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The Guide to Gay Dating App

The FabGuyz app, produced by the firm, was released on June 15, 2012. Its name is a play on words from “fantastic” and “guyz”. It enables you to meet men from all around the globe. The iOS App Store and Google Play have had over 100,000 downloads of the mobile application for iPhones and other smartphones.

The creators were prompted by a need they saw at g*y social gatherings: participants wanted to have fun but were often disappointed by bad-looking males who seemed unfit for them. They believed it would be a good idea to build not just an app that enables users to check whether there are a lot of beautiful guys around, but also one that gives tools to help them connect.

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What exactly is

Fab Guys, or FabGuys as it’s often called, is a dating service that promises to be “fun, free, and wonderful” for gay guys. It also caters to bi*xual males and transsexual people, albeit the profile options are more restricted for these groups.

Fabulous Entertainment owns the domain and is part of a company that also includes a second site called that was developed by a couple and serves the community.

Should I become a member of

This is excellent software for individuals seeking for love. It’s free to register and use, and it lets you search for individuals in your area and chat with them online.

Why not give it a go if you’re looking to meet individuals on your travels (the list of countries is relatively limited) or in your area? Although the user interface is a little dated, the free version is still functional enough to organise a meeting.

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How can I become a member of FabGuys?

You may sign up with and begin searching nearby persons in approximately five minutes. Simply provide some personal information that the site will keep private, and you’ll be able to view local folks right away.

Is it necessary for me to pay on

The site is completely free to use, and no registration is necessary.

Is, however, really free to use?

The bulk of Fab Guys’ features are completely free to register and use. There is an option to become a “Site Supporter,” which gives you access to extra services and the opportunity to know who has visited your profile.

Is it legal for me to use Fab Guys at work?

Do not attempt it! If you work somewhere where you can’t see 18+ content during office hours, save it for later.

“On, only adults 18 and older are permitted,” the site declares.

So, how can I join or log in to fabguys?

1) On the site, click’sign up’ and fill out a membership application.

2) To get started, enter your username, email address, and password. Then choose if you are a man, a male couple, a transgender person, or a cross-dresser.

Create an account using the following template: Fill in your date of birth, choose if you are above the age of 18, and whether you want your computer to remember your login information before clicking ‘I am over the age of 18, please establish my account.’

3) You will be asked to choose whether you wish to meet a guy, a male couple, or a transgender or cross-dresser. Choose an age range, if you want to meet smokers, whether you can travel or accommodate, and whether you’ll gladly take both. Then, choose your nation and click save and proceed.

4) For your personal information, you will be asked for the first half of your postcode (for the United Kingdom); this information will be kept private and will only be used to search for close matches. You are also prompted to input your town, first name, initial or nickname, date of birth, s*xuality, height and body type, tattoos and piercings, and whether or not you drink.

5) Next, choose a profile title and a short bio, then select from a wide range of hobbies.

6) You may now simply establish an account as a result of this approach.

FabGuys User Experience:

I’ve been using this app for a while now, and I believe it’s about time I told all of my readers what’s going on. A lot of people have been asking me about the men on here and whether or not they’re beautiful, so I decided why not write an essay on it? Who says you can’t learn from your errors? Actually, however… You most likely cannot. But wait! This one will give you plenty of practise. If this one doesn’t work out, try the next one.

Let’s get started by learning the fundamentals:

Everyone’s beauty will be different, but it’s crucial to have an open mind! Even if you believe no one will find you appealing at first, trust me when I say this: you’ll find your mate. And if not, what? So someone else will come along. What makes that work? Because everyone on here is actively searching for love, and they’re putting themselves out there in the same way you are!

Here are some pointers to get you started:

  • Include high-resolution images (preferably ones of yourself). When a quality is too low, people are less likely to chat to you since they can just see your face.
  • Keep some informal conversation starters on hand in case things don’t pick up right away. If this occurs, you will still be able to initiate a chat. Here are a few such examples:

Do you like watching sports?

Are you more of a book or movie person?

What is your favourite book or film?

What are your favourite pastimes?

What genres of music do you enjoy?

  • Don’t take rejection too seriously all of the time. Consider why they could have answered no, and try not to take it personally! For example, if they don’t like brunettes, don’t take it personally. It’s possible that their type isn’t brunettes. Also, before forming assumptions, check sure there aren’t any other elements (like if their account is private).

This leads me to my next point:

Make care to keep your account public! People won’t be able to discover you if you make it private, which, in my view, contradicts the point of a dating app.

When in doubt, browse over FabGuy’s FAQ section since it has a wealth of useful information! I know it may seem strange or impersonal to sift through all of their questions that have already been set out for you, but trust me when I tell it will prevent you from making costly errors. And by huge blunders, I mean ones that cause males to stop talking to you.

Anyway, on to the next subject… How do people decide who to like? To begin, there are two sorts of cards that go towards liking someone. First, you have cards depending on their beauty. And, sure, the more attractive you are, the more likely you will be loved first! Second, there are random cards that are just picked by another person’s algorithm.

Now, before I tell you what FabGuy’s algorithms look like, let me explain the reasoning behind them… Everything is totally automated, so people may select who they favour without bias (as if that wasn’t clear). Everything is done mathematically with rigorous criteria for matching potentials together. It may seem like magic, but believe me when I tell it isn’t! And, contrary to popular belief, it is possible to be matched with persons with whom you have nothing in common! While this might be beneficial if you’re simply seeking to “get it in,” there is a technique to determine who your greatest matches will be. That takes me to my next point:

What is the most effective approach to catch a guy’s attention? Because to FabGuy’s internal specifications, being clever is worth more points than being attractive [1]. Don’t get me wrong: being attractive still enhances your chances of being liked by other males, but not as much as something like wit. If you know anything about psychology, you’ll realise why dating someone with comparable interests and values (as well as high IQ) is beneficial to you. This suggests that being clever can absolutely help you!

So, are there any additional things that go into liking someone? Yes, there are two more significant factors that individuals evaluate when deciding on somebody to like. One of them is the distance (which is useful if you’re searching for someone nearby). The second is the amount of time it takes until they get similar (in which case, whomever receives one first win!)

This gets me to my next point… Being liked does not imply that you have been picked as “the winner,” nor does it imply that you are promised anything! That may seem harsh, but bear with me while I explain why. Everything on FabGuy’s end is automated, however this may not necessarily reflect the reality of the issue. If you end up like someone who claims they don’t want to date someone out of their league, it doesn’t necessarily indicate you’re in their league. They may reject you only to make themselves feel better about not being able to find dates! All I’m trying to convey is that nothing is guaranteed while using these programmes, so be cautious and use common sense.

While we’re on the subject, let me offer some advice: don’t take rejection personally! At the end of the day, it’s simply a game—if you believe there’s anything wrong with you because someone rejects your approaches, you’re reading too much into it. That’s not how life works, and you’ll ultimately find someone who appreciates you for who you are!

…Is there anything else I should be aware of? There are two more major factors that impact the guy’s decisions: the first is distance (which we talked about before already). The second factor is their own preferences. And if you don’t suit what they’re searching for, they won’t even bother loving your cards, regardless of how attractive your profile image is! This also implies that if they like your cards, it does not necessarily follow that they will all want to pursue anything romantic with you; alternatively, some may just want to be friends.

This leads me to my next point:

What does it signify when someone loves every single one of your cards? Basically, they don’t “like” all of them; they simply want to be friends with you. And it’s entirely up to you whether you continue to see them as potentials or not—just make sure your actions are genuine and follow your heart!

You previously said that FabGuy like clever individuals… So what happens when someone has the same (or even greater) wit level as me? So, if two individuals like one other and their wit levels are equal (or both over a particular threshold), it will come down to distance, which is seen as more essential than wit levels. Assume there is someone nearby with the same wit level as you and someone far away with a greater wit level. Even if they are smarter than you, the fact that they are so far away will place them lower on your list of potentials.

That’s all I have for now! We’ve covered all there is to know about how FabGuy works, so feel free to check them out and see if it’s anything for you. Just remember to be safe and have fun.

Millie David