On September 16, 1937, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) , the United Kingdom’s public radio and television service, televised a football match for the first time in history. The network only broadcast a 15-minute summary of the friendly match between the Arsenal first team and the reserves. The proximity between the stadium, which also had some locations for television cameras, and the BBC facilities favored the start of 해외축구 중계사이트. Since then, television and sport go hand in hand and are inseparable. Some sporting events that bring together millions of spectators in front of the television screen, a means of communication that has witnessed some of the biggest sporting events in history.
The Olympic Games
The Olympic Games are considered the main event in the world of sport at a global level, with more than two hundred participating nations. For this reason, it is not surprising that it is the most followed sporting event on television.
The 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games, the last held, were broadcast on television to 5,000 million viewers around the world, according to data from the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Although it is true that for several weeks, this edition broke all TV audience records, since half of the world’s population saw at least some coverage of the Olympic Games. Audience figures that are intended to be exceeded in the Tokyo edition, which will be the most modern and technological in history.
The World Cup
The impact of the Olympic Games on television is only comparable to the World Cup . The World Cup, which like the Olympic Games is held every four years, is the most important event in the world of football and football betting. According to the International Federation of Football Association (FIFA), the 2018 World Cup in Russia was watched by more than 3.5 billion people. Additionally, 1.12 billion people watched at least one minute of France’s victory over Croatia in the final.
The Rugby World Cup
A figure similar to that recorded in the final between Germany and Argentina of the World Cup in Brazil 2014 (1,100 million), with a great impact also at the level of rugby betting since it was the event of this sport that more money in bets moved. In this way, the World Cup and the Olympic Games are indisputably the sporting events with the highest television audience, followed by the Rugby World Cup.